Agile certification: benefits for you and the organization
Many people want to certify themselves in Agile to ensure their knowledge and skills. Besides having proof of your expertise, there are plenty of other benefits to consider obtaining a certificate in Agile Business. Curious about these advantages? Please read them further on.
What is Agile?
First, the core of the matter: What does Agile mean? Agile is an ideology and methodology to work as a team efficiently and effectively on a project. The Agile ideology in the non-IT arose from the need to be able to adapt as an organization in a rapidly changing world. In this context, non-IT is seen as a collection of all fields that do not fall within software development. Only those who adapt themselves remain relevant and can survive. The following core values are respected in the Agile concept:
- People and their interaction above processes and tools;
- Delivered (part) projects above comprehensive documentation or plans;
- Cooperation with the customer above contract negotiations;
- Respond to change above the following a plan.
Why obtaining an Agile certification?
It is, once again, very important to remain adaptable as a company but also as an employee. The best way to demonstrate this ability and/or awareness is to go back to school. Continuing to develop as an employee, but also as an organization is favourable and a predictable variable for future success. The growth achieved can be determined by a diploma or certificate. Therefore, certifications are offered to make your knowledge and skills demonstrably. One with an Agile certificate can be better recognized as an expert. In the labour market within the non-IT, the growing importance of Agile certifications is mainly noticed by:
- More and more companies are looking for professionals in the possession of, for example, an official Scrum Master or Agile Coach.
- An internationally recognized certificate is appreciated on your resume and you are therefore more attractive to organizations.
In addition to a better position in the labour market, Agile certifications also offer more freelance opportunities. As a Scrum Master or Agile Coach, it is not necessary to have knowledge of the content of the project itself. This means, there is a lot of mobility and flexibility within a function such as Scrum Master or Agile Coach. For instance, this position could provide more job opportunities abroad and/or more diversity in work environments. Moreover, as in this function, you can work for many companies and experience more freedom. This means you can effortlessly tackle one project after the other, without being labelled as an unpredictable employee. However, only having an Agile certificate is not enough to be able to work immediately, a certificate must be accompanied by some practical experience. In this way, the same role can be held, but it will be more meaningful if it is put into practice in different contexts. A lot of experience within different fields, not only makes your quality of work stronger, but it also makes you a more adaptable and agile person.
Furthermore, not only for you as a person it has the advantages of owning an Agile certification but also as an employee in an organization. The preference as an organization is to have more employees with an internationally recognized Agile Business certificate. Especially, when the company wants teams to work effectively and efficiently, the same ideology by the entire team must be held or at least understood. In other words, the more team members gain Agile knowledge, the more success there is guaranteed. Also, Agile-working teams deliver more quality for the organization and its stakeholders. In addition, as an Agile certified organization, you are more attractive to employees. When a company exudes expertise, people often tend to want to be a part of it.
Overview of Agile certifications at iiabc.org
Thus, there are many advantages to obtaining an Agile certification. Now the question remains; Which certification suits me best? Please use the below illustration and explanations about the various Agile Business certifications offered at iiabc.org.
The Agile Business Foundation certificate is a recognized certificate for people who work with Agile and Scrum in a non-IT context. The certificate shows that you know the basics of Agile and Scrum. This distinguishes you from people who cannot prove their expertise with a supporting document.
The Agile Business Advanced – Facilitating the Process certificate is a recognized Scrum Master certificate for people who work Agile and Scrum in a non-IT context. With this certificate, you demonstrate that you know and are able to apply the Agile and Scrum theory. The certificate focuses on the Scrum Master role within Scrum. By obtaining this certificate you demonstrate your expertise as a Scrum Master in a non-IT context. In other words: you know how to facilitate the Scrum process in such a way that a team achieves the best performance possible. With this certificate, you are interesting for employers who want to introduce or deploy Scrum in predominantly non-IT teams.
The Agile Business Advanced – Maximizing Value certificate is a recognized Product Owner certificate for people who work with Agile and Scrum in a non-IT context. With this certificate, you demonstrate that you know and are able to apply Agile and Scrum theory. The certificate focuses on the Product Owner role within Scrum, but also essential broader Agile knowledge. By obtaining this certificate, you demonstrate your expertise as a Product Owner in a non-IT context. As a Product Owner in a non-IT context, you are able to maximize customer value of project results. Through professional stakeholder management and proper prioritization of activities, scarce resources for a project are optimally utilized. By constant communication with your customers about desired project results, you achieve the best solution. With this certificate, you are interesting for employers who want to introduce or deploy Agile or Scrum in predominantly non-IT teams.
The Agile Business Expert – Agile Coach certificate is a recognized certificate for people who work as an Agile Coach in a non-IT context. With this certificate, you demonstrate that you know the theory of Agile and associated frameworks and are capable of coaching organizations, teams and individuals to work towards being Agile. By obtaining this certificate you demonstrate your expertise as an Agile Coach in a non-IT context. You know what Agile means, which frameworks can be applied when, how to deal with teams and team dynamics, and how to guide organizations through an Agile transformation. With this certificate, you are interesting for employers who want to (further) roll out Agile ways of working in their organization.
More information about Agile certification, see also:
– Blog Agile & Scrum certification 2019: Difference in IT & non-IT?
– Blog Total overview: ‘Online Scrum Master Certification!’